Palastine Up to October 7, 2023 CE

This file contains a brief history of Palestine from BCE until October 7, 2023 CE. The events are presented in a very brief manner. I claim that it will not take more than twenty minutes of your time, God willing, but it will save you from long days of tiring research, and after reading it you will be familiar with the most important events and know the most precise stages through which the Palestinian issue passed until things reached what they are now. If you are busy now, download it and read it later, and do not stop there. Publish it to everyone concerned with the Palestinian issue, especially content makers, because it will save them the effort of preparing the material if they want to talk about a specific time period related to Palestine
I ask Allah to make it beneficial and to pardon unintentional errors. And may He facilitate relief for Palestine soon
For the English version PRESS HERE

For the Arabic version PRESS HERE


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