Taa & Thaa (التاء والثاء)

Adult Section
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LwIn8SKFLo&t=29s The letters Taa and Thaa are the third and fourth letters of the alphabetical letters, and it shares the form with Baa, but what distinguishes them is the number and place of dots. 

Explanatory video


Children Section

بضائع منوّعة

Get to know the “Taa” with Elmo:

Nashid about the letter “Taa”:

Examples and exercises about the letter “Taa”:

Animation series about the letter “Taa”:

New In


Azan Clock


Get to know the “Thaa” with Elmo:

Nashid about the letter “Thaa”:

Examples and exercises about the letter “Thaa”:

Animation series about the letter “Thaa”:

Print and color the image that starts with the letter “Taa”: Taj (تاج)

Print and color the image that starts with the letter “Thaa”: Thaalab (ثعلب)

